jueves, 26 de abril de 2012

Essay Course 10


Religious beliefs and life´s hope, freedom religious and laws, how the decisions of parents affect their children.

Chosen Idea: Religious beliefs and life´s hope.

I chose this idea, because I think some religious beliefs, disagree with the topic of human integrity, life´s quality and preservation or protection of the life. Because of this situation, could lose inocent lives, for example, parents involves in their beliefs and ignore all ways and options that they have to improve the quality of live or save the life of their children.


Often, the topics of health and beliefs are disagree. One reason is because in the religious level, the trend is leave all things and all decisions in God´s hand, but in the medical level the main objective is to save the life above all things, but some religious groups forget, that they must do their human part (like go to the doctor and ask for help), and God does the divine part (for example, a miracle).  Because of that, sometimes loss the life of many people, and if they leave their beliefs only for a moment, would save many lives.

For example, the members of the religion “Jehovah´s witnesses” don’t receive blood of other person because according to a verse in the old testament of their bible, Jesus said that can´t receive blood of another soul, and neither can´t eat any food cooked whit animal´s blood. Similarly with other religions, for example some people is disagree with organ donation because they believe in the flesh resurrection and with that, all our organs must to resuscitate, as well for that, many people decrease the probability to save or help other lives.

I think this people ought to, stop and think a little about their ideas, and to realize if their thinking was another, and if they leave a little of their beliefs, might to save many lives.

Is for the previous reasons, that some religious beliefs can  decrease life´s hope in some people, as may be, in the life of their children or their relatives, because reject any medical treatment that could save their lives or,  just do the doctor´s job more difficult.

Javier Sábata, is a Spanish philosopher, enter at debate between religion and health, stating than the religion (beliefs, faith) and the reason (science) are opposites, and for he, religion, beliefs and faith are property of the private space of each person, but the people insist in interfere with this beliefs in the public space (Sábata, 2009).  This affirmation is true in some situations, for example, when the parents interfered with their beliefs in the doctor´s job.

Finally, I think that this debate between religion beliefs and health will be open for a long time and will be difficult to research some agreement between both topics.

jueves, 19 de abril de 2012


When I was a child, I used to play with my older brother running throughout on the hall of our house, and in the end of the hall, there was the principal door, and this, had a glass in this center. One day, we were do a competition, then, I was running very fast and I couldn´t stop on time, so I had to stop with my hands on the door and I broke the glass with my hands; but the problem was when I saw my wrist, because in this there was a piece of glass and my hand was hanging.

Immediately, my brother went to the room of my parents, because here we used to have a box with medicines- like the box of “first aid”-, but my cut was very seriously for be healed with those medicines.  At the same time, my parents were next to our house, because they were managers of a clothes’ store and they used to meeting with their employees there, then, when my parents hear the noise of the broken glasses, went to our house and when they saw my cut were very worried; immediately took me at hospital, and there, my father fainted because my cut shed a lot of blood.

Finally, the doctors sutured my wrist.  Because of that; I have an ugly and big scar on my wrist.

martes, 17 de abril de 2012


Good Morning,

My name is Jennifer Rodriguez Esparza.  The last month, I bought a trip to Santa Marta-Colombia, and I come back yesterday, but this trip was the worst that I have had in my life.
You sold me a trip with three food free, but in the restaurant don´t let me eat anyfood free, I had to pay all food. Apart from that, you told me the trip included open bar, but the manager´s bar told me the beer cost $5.000, and they make me pay each beer that I drank.
And finally, supposedly my package was 5 days 4 nights, but in the morning of the day 4, the manager´s hotel made me leave my room because he told me that in the hotel´s register appeared that my trip was only 4 days and 3 nights. Therefore, I come back home very angry because this trip was a disaster, and I want my money devolution because you didn´t fulfill the contract´s trip.
I wan my money as soon as possible.

Tank you for you attention,

Jennifer Rodriguez Esparza.

lunes, 9 de abril de 2012


The social integration of handicapped persons depends of where they live; why? Because the more development the country, the person will have more possibilities to integrate into the society. The following comparative can clear that idea:

If we see an industrialized country, like EE.UU, Italy or Germany, we can see the cities have been built without obstacles in their streets because there are ramps for persons in wheel chairs, sonorous traffic lights for blind persons, signposting for deaf persons, busses adapted for persons with some physical limitation.  Apart from that, the laws have planned for handicapped persons  and give more benefits at this persons than persons without some disability. And finally, an important aspect is, in developed societies (in industrialized countries) the people coexist  with another people no matter your ability or disability.

But if we see an underdeveloped country like Colombia, Peru o some country in Latin America, we can see the cities have not been built for persons with some physical disability, because the architecture and the structure of this cities have not planned for all people. In these countries, we can see a person in a wheel chair in a middle of the street between cars and trucks risking their life, because the sidewalk has not designed for a handicapped person, that situation because the sidewalk has not built for all people no matter their physical abilities or disabilities.  Similarly, the transport system have not designed to transport persons with some physical disability- for example, in Colombia is impossible that some people in wheel chair take a bus, because the wheel chair won´t go through the door- therefore, for handicapped persons, sometimes is difficult leave their homes; also, in this countries, the laws give little benefits to handicapped person.

In some underdeveloped countries, like Colombia, some natives tribes, the child with some handicap or disability are abandoned by their parents, because they (the parents), believe that the handicap or disability is like a punishment of some god.

The previous comparative allow us suppose, if a handicapped person life in an industrialized country is easier be incorporated into the society than a handicapped person that life in an underdeveloped country, because the architecture, transport systems, structure and especially the culture of industrialized countries make possible that integration and have been planed for all the people, ability or disability.  For example: In Europe, a person in wheel chair, leaves home and immediately takes a bus adapted with a ramp, after, arrives at its destination and can moves easily on the sidewalk . But this routine doesn´t possible for a handicapped person in an underdeveloped country, because the architecture, the transportation systems and the culture is this countries aren´t ready to interact and coexist with a “different” person, and this countries the handicapped persons in many cases are reject and excluded because their disability.

In industrialized countries is easier to incorporate into the society the handicapped persons than in underdeveloped countries, because the culture and the society in industrialized countries have an open mind to coexist and accept to people no matter their abilities or disabilities.